Monday, December 21, 2015


Happy Monday! I had a bit of a TED Talk binge a few days ago as a way to avoid studying, while still being productive.  I watched one as a study break and it all cascaded from there.  Chieko Asakawa was blinded in a pool accident as an adolescent but that hasn't stopped her from impacting the lives of millions.  Instead, she took her experience and paved the way for those with visual impairment.  As an adolescent, in order to access information, Asakawa had to have her brothers read her textbooks or create her own Braille text.  However, once the Internet was born, Asakawa was able to extract information and turn it into audio so that visually impaired individuals around the world could have access to this massive resource. Now, she is working on a mobile app that will allow her to independently navigate the world and even recognize faces.

Her story is another reminder of why I am studying to become an optometrist.  Vision is such an essential aspect of every day life, yet we often take it for granted.  

Monday, November 30, 2015


We all get the case of the Mondays.  The weekend is over and the reality of the upcoming week sets in.  However, with each new week of challenges also come opportunities to conquer them.  As a mild antidote to this Monday syndrome, I've decided to curate a series of weekly blog posts featuring intriguing articles, videos, podcasts, or photos.  First up is career coach Emilie Wapnick's Ted Talk, "Why some of us don't have one true calling".

Emilie Wapnick presents the celebration of what she terms, the "multipotentialite", a person with a range of interests and career pursuits over a lifetime.  So often are we asked to name the one thing we want to do in life, or become defined by our job titles.  For some of us, however, the idea of fixating on a single career is suffocating.  We have a multitude of interests, not because we lack commitment, but because we have an appetite for new challenges and experiences.  Wapnick urges us to embrace these differences in personality and collaborate, as multipotentialites work well with specialists to solve problems.

I personally identify with this notion of the "multipotentialite" as I have always held a wide range of interests and the desire to pursue them all.  Sometimes it can become hectic and I find I need to de-clutter my life for a while.  This allows me time to develop strong skills in a specific area and efficiently accomplish tasks.  On the other hand, being a multipotentialite has enabled me to extract ideas from multiple disciplines to solve problems.  

I hope you embrace your passions and those of others, no matter how wide spread or specific they may be.  

Happy Monday! 

Monday, April 6, 2015


These double pearl earrings are one of the easier jewelry DIYs I've done and they can be mixed and matched.  I was inspired by the beautiful Dior double pearl earrings but felt that the back pearl was too large for my petite self so I used a smaller pearl and changed the backing for more security.  For the front stud, I wore my own earrings, which could be pearls, or crystals, or any earring of your choice.  The magic happens with the earring backing.

-earring studs of choice (I got mine on sale at Old Navy)
-looped earring backs
-small jump rings
-pearl beads (I used 17.78 mm/7in)
-head pins OR wire

*All of the supplies can also be purchased as a kit or separately on Darby Smart starting 4/10

-needle nose pliers
-small flat back crystals
-E6000 or other strong adhesive glue

NOTE: These earrings can either be made with head pins and pliers or wire and E6000.  I originally did not have head pins so I made a first set with wire and glue, stringing it through the pearl and hiding the open end with a small Swarovski crystal.  Then, I bought some headpins and strung the pearl through it, which is a more secure option.  However, I found the headpins to be quite sturdy and difficult to bend without needle nose pliers. If you have needle nose pliers, the head pins will work well and will ensure that the pearl does not fall off.

1. Open a jump ring and loop it through one of the loops of the earring backing.

2. HEAD PIN METHOD: String the pearl through the headpin and using needle nose pliers, loop the head pin through the jump ring.  Try to keep the loop as close to the pearl or else it hang too far below the ear.
   GLUE AND WIRE METHOD:  Cut about an inch of wire and apply a thin layer of E600 on one end, about the length of the pearl.  Push the wire through the pearl so that the end of the wire comes just to the end of the pearl.  Allow the glue to dry before proceeding.  Once the glue has dried, loop the wire around the jump ring.

3. Glue a small Swarovski crystal to the bottom of the pearl to cover the head pin or open hole.

4. Wear your beautiful earrings!

Check out Darby Smart for a whole library of great DIY projects designed by other bloggers and crafty individuals!  Use the code "howdydarby" for $10 off your first purchase! 

Friday, March 13, 2015


Happy Friday Everyone!

It has been a crazy week so I decided to de-stress by creating my first ever free printable!  On Sunday, I'm going to make mini donuts for the first time using my new Wilton pan and I couldn't be more excited! I have been pinning donut recipes for months now, almost to the point of obsession so I hope these turn out tasty.

This was my second time using Adobe Illustrator and one of my goals for this year is to become more proficient at Illustrator and Photoshop.  Practice makes perfect so these Freebie Fridays will challenge me to learn new techniques.  I'm thinking these freebies will be a mix of wall prints, calendars, computer/phone wallpapers, etc.  Let me know what you'd like to see!

Download Donut Puns #1

Download Donut Puns #2 

(FYI the pdf downloads with a white background, not gray as shown here...not sure why the color isn't showing up correctly)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Tips for Sustainable Healthy Eating

I preface this by noting that I am not a nutritionist or expert in any way.  My philosophy for healthy eating stems from years of studying biology and slowly changing my eating habits in recent years.  I view food as fuel for the body.  Millions of complex reactions and processes take place in our bodies each day to keep it functioning properly, all of which require a multitude of molecules.  These necessary molecules come from the foods we eat, which is why food is such a vital component to health.

There is no perfect diet or cardinal rule to follow when it comes to eating healthy sustainably. Every ingredient has its pros and cons and every individual will have different dietary requirements.  Below I've outlined some personal suggestions for healthier eating and living.

Take it Slow  Incorporating small changes in eating habits can lead to large changes over time without feeling the desire to revert to old habits.  Start by substituting ingredients a few meals a week.  For example, try spaghetti squash or spiralized zucchini instead of pasta one night.  Greek yogurt is a great swap for sour cream and baked sweet potato "fries" are delicious.  Find substitutions you like and stick with it, but it's okay to have the original every once in a while.

Plan Ahead  Planning meals in advance not only makes for more efficient grocery store visits but also keeps you on track of what you buy.  I have often found myself putting those tasty but highly processed foods in my cart simply because I didn't have a grocery list and that tub of ice cream was calling my name. Searching for new recipes can be an enjoyable task, and is easier than ever with sites such as Pinterest and food blogs popping up everywhere.

Nourish  Again, eating is about supplying the body with fuel so that you can do all of the things that you enjoy in life.  Reducing the amount of processed foods and opting for whole, fresh ingredients will aid in this task.  So much of the body's mass is made up of water, so be sure to fill up.  Not only will a hydrated body function better, but you will be less likely to confuse thirst and hunger. Carrying a reusable water bottle with me everywhere I go has been a game changer and the results of a well hydrated body are noticeable.

Spice it Up  Instead of loading up on salt and sauces containing who knows what, add spices and ingredients with a variety of flavors.  Black pepper and garlic are personal staples and I no longer feel the need to add salt to all of my dishes.  Use a mixture of food textures and flavors: crunchy, creamy, tart, juicy, etc. to keep things interesting.  These complex flavors and textures will bring variety and interest to your dishes without the need to add items such as ketchup or ranch dressing.

Treat Yourself  Moderation.  I love ice cream and foresee my relationship with ice cream lasting a lifetime but I don't always have a tub of ice cream in my freezer.  Take the time to explore new restaurants or in my case, ice cream shops, and treat yourself every once in a while.  Again, the key is sustainability.  I once kept myself away from all desserts for a few months and guess what happened when the holidays rolled around.  I ate all of the dessert in sight because I had been missing it for so long that I felt the urge to make up it.  Indulge every once in a while, you deserve it.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


With two new iPad additions to my family after the holidays, I decided to make some cases for them.  For the first, I followed Almost Makes Perfect's tutorial but added an inner lining since I didn't like the back of the black faux leather I had.  I then made a second as per my mom's request, but this time with another modification.  Instead of the elastic holders at the corners, I made a pocket so that her iPad would be a bit more protected. I had all of these materials on hand already so this project was an extra win.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Hand crafted tea bags make wonderful gifts and Valentine's Day is just around the corner! I made these as Christmas gifts and the recipients loved them!

I used the rosebud tea from Cha for Tea to make these little tea bags but any kind of loose leaf tea will do.