Monday, December 21, 2015


Happy Monday! I had a bit of a TED Talk binge a few days ago as a way to avoid studying, while still being productive.  I watched one as a study break and it all cascaded from there.  Chieko Asakawa was blinded in a pool accident as an adolescent but that hasn't stopped her from impacting the lives of millions.  Instead, she took her experience and paved the way for those with visual impairment.  As an adolescent, in order to access information, Asakawa had to have her brothers read her textbooks or create her own Braille text.  However, once the Internet was born, Asakawa was able to extract information and turn it into audio so that visually impaired individuals around the world could have access to this massive resource. Now, she is working on a mobile app that will allow her to independently navigate the world and even recognize faces.

Her story is another reminder of why I am studying to become an optometrist.  Vision is such an essential aspect of every day life, yet we often take it for granted.  

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