Sunday, January 18, 2015


With two new iPad additions to my family after the holidays, I decided to make some cases for them.  For the first, I followed Almost Makes Perfect's tutorial but added an inner lining since I didn't like the back of the black faux leather I had.  I then made a second as per my mom's request, but this time with another modification.  Instead of the elastic holders at the corners, I made a pocket so that her iPad would be a bit more protected. I had all of these materials on hand already so this project was an extra win.

To make the inner lining, I added an additional inch to the dimensions of the faux leather rectangle.  I then folded each edge over half an inch and pressed with an iron.  You should fold the edges to the back, away from the side you want facing up.  Next, I sewed quarter inch seams to hold the edges in place.  The lining will now look much like a placemat.  I liquid stitched the lining onto the inside of the faux leather.  You could also stitch it with a sewing machine but I don't have a needle meant for leather and liquid stitch is wonderfully easy.

To make the pocket design, I simply added a rectangle with dimensions to fit the iPad, ironing the edges down in the same way as the lining.  Next, I sewed along the top edge of the pocket.  Now that the pocket has a clean edge, I laid the pocket on top of the lining and stitched the 4 sides of the lining and then went back and stitched along the bottom edge of the pocket.  It is important to keep in mind that the iPad has a thickness so the case must be made with enough room at the edges to account for this thickness or the pocket needs to be made larger than the lining.  I made the mistake of keeping the pocket the same width as the lining and the iPad didn't fit.  I had to rip out the seams and re-iron the pocket edges so that the seams could be 1/8 inch.

I really like how the white faux leather case came out.  This faux leather is much thicker and luxurious feeling than the black and the thickness especially, makes it feel sturdier.  I can't wait to make more of these, next time using real leather!

Tip: Some upholstery places will give you the scraps for free and these scraps are perfect for this project! I have a scrap from a couch that I plan on using for my next case.  

DIY projects are all about trial and error.  It is a beautiful learning process and the end result is worth the effort!

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