Monday, November 30, 2015


We all get the case of the Mondays.  The weekend is over and the reality of the upcoming week sets in.  However, with each new week of challenges also come opportunities to conquer them.  As a mild antidote to this Monday syndrome, I've decided to curate a series of weekly blog posts featuring intriguing articles, videos, podcasts, or photos.  First up is career coach Emilie Wapnick's Ted Talk, "Why some of us don't have one true calling".

Emilie Wapnick presents the celebration of what she terms, the "multipotentialite", a person with a range of interests and career pursuits over a lifetime.  So often are we asked to name the one thing we want to do in life, or become defined by our job titles.  For some of us, however, the idea of fixating on a single career is suffocating.  We have a multitude of interests, not because we lack commitment, but because we have an appetite for new challenges and experiences.  Wapnick urges us to embrace these differences in personality and collaborate, as multipotentialites work well with specialists to solve problems.

I personally identify with this notion of the "multipotentialite" as I have always held a wide range of interests and the desire to pursue them all.  Sometimes it can become hectic and I find I need to de-clutter my life for a while.  This allows me time to develop strong skills in a specific area and efficiently accomplish tasks.  On the other hand, being a multipotentialite has enabled me to extract ideas from multiple disciplines to solve problems.  

I hope you embrace your passions and those of others, no matter how wide spread or specific they may be.  

Happy Monday! 

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