Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mo'orea: Day 33

No matter how many shooting stars you wish on, sometimes things just don't go your way.  This past week has been quite unlucky for me.  Two of the most expensive and important items I brought on this trip are now either in need of repair or lost at sea.  First, my SCUBA regulator started making funny noises and I have since been using the class regulator and a friend's extra BC.  Then yesterday while diving, my camera, which is extremely buoyant, came out of my mesh bag while getting out my clipboard.  There was a strong current, which swiftly took it away and is now floating somewhere in Opunohu Bay.

So much money has gone into this trip and I now just lost a substantial chunk of it.  Luckily, the regulator can be fixed and I have been able to borrow equipment.  I am terribly sad about my camera though.  I was really starting to fall in love with it, maybe even enjoying it as much as my DSLR.  It was so portable and was able to capture all of the colors and lighting as well as or better than real life. It is such a shame since I have an extra day on this island and we were planning on dedicating it to taking photos (one of the other individuals that is staying an extra day is also into photography).  

Although this week may not have been the most fortunate, I cannot bring myself to get too worked up about it.  This island is just too beautiful.  Minutes after losing my camera, I saw a shark.  Then, on the drive back, a rainbow, the sunrise over Tahiti this morning and three rays this afternoon.  I realized how lucky I am just to be here.  An expensive trip no doubt, but a luxury most can only dream of.  I am still in one piece, only suffering minor cuts and bites compared to the rest of my classmates.  I have learned so much and my research has the potential to be considered for publishing.  It's a mix of emotions, but mostly I'm glad to be going home.  I cannot wait to be dry for more than 24 hours, to smell of fresh laundry rather than mildew and sea water, to see my family and friends and be back to a place where things don't often break or get lost.  

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