Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mo'orea: Day 30

It has been exactly a month since I left Los Angeles for this tropical paradise.  Somehow, the time has gone by both fast and slow all at once.  Fast when I think about how long a month feels like at UCLA, yet slow when I consider how much our projects have transformed from our days in the Botany classroom.  The upcoming week will surely be the former with so much left to pack into our last days here.

It is difficult to describe every detail that has happened since my last post, but one theme definitely stands out in my mind, which is teamwork.  I am so thankful for the great dynamic of both my project teams.  However, even more impressive is the willingness of groups helping each other.  So many of us have been injured or ill and it warms my heart to see other groups eagerly stepping in to be a dive buddy, or to help remove algae from cages.

On a lighter note, I have finally succumb to the wrath of insect bites.  This whole trip, I have managed to get by with only a few mosquito bites here and there, with none of them itching (which is not the norm-everyone else seems to have been suffering from much more severe insect attacks).  A few days ago however, I woke up with 8 bites terribly itchy bites on my left leg and arm.  Even after using After Bite (anti-itch bug bite gel) I can barely keep myself from scratching.  I still consider myself lucky though, if this is the greatest extent of my injuries/illnesses.  No jellyfish stings, no sunburns, and thank goodness no urchin spines in my feet.  I sure hope I didn't just jinx myself!

P.S. Hopefully more pictures will be coming soon!

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