Monday, April 23, 2012

Mo'orea: Day 2

No introduction, no matter how eloquent, could do arriving in Mo'orea justice.  This island is breathtakingly beautiful.  As we rode the bus around the island, I felt like a dog staring out the window: wind in my face, smiling in bliss.  To my right were steep mountain peaks blanketed in lush vegetation and to my left was a vibrant turquoise ocean, waves breaking at the fore reef.

Yesterday we arrived at the Gump station around 9:30 and soon after unpacking, we jumped in the water for a snorkel.  The warm waters hosted a wealth of marine life.  It was so exciting to be able to see all of the fishes, algae and invertebrates we had been learning about in class for the past three weeks.  After dinner, I lay on the dock and gazed at the stars.  The slight breeze and bright Milky Way were the perfect ending to a perfect arrival here on this island.

This morning began with breakfast at 6:30.  I'm loving all of the fresh baguettes with our meals! After reviewing some of the fish found in Mo'orea we headed to the motus by boat.  First, we stopped to snorkel with the sting rays and we were soon joined by black tip reef sharks!  Before this trip, I thought I would be petrified if I ever saw a shark while in the water, but somehow, all that fear disappeared once I jumped in the water this morning.  Next, we headed to the motu, coral islands formed thousands of years ago.  The scenery was unreal, like something you only see from postcards.  The water was even clearer than at Gump and the diversity of fishes also much greater.  The Christmas tree worms were so cute and I tried multiple times to get a nice picture of them, but I was too buoyant and couldn't stay down long enough to get the camera to focus.  I will have to make more attempts while on SCUBA.

Not sure what is in store for the rest of tonight and tomorrow, but that uncertainty keeps everyday exciting.  We must be going on the death snorkel either tomorrow or within the next couple days.  I'm a little nervous, but my soul is so blissful right now, I cannot get anxious over it, even if I try.

black tip reef sharks and rays on our way to the motus

giant clam-I love their vibrant colors!
an old ship from our tour of the island

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