Friday, April 26, 2013


Today's quick meal once again uses the nutritious, yet wonderfully delicious quinoa.  It is quite similar to my last quinoa post [here] but with a new technique.  I didn't have much to work with, so all I did was fry some boneless, skinless chicken breasts in olive oil and added about a third of my already cooked quinoa in the pan.  Once the chicken was fully cooked, I added a generous serving of kale and the rest of the quinoa.  Frying some of the quinoa gave the dish a nice crunch and flavor.  I will definitely be preparing quinoa like this more often.

Nutrition Fast Facts:
Quinoa is a complete source of protein, contains omega-3 fatty acids, and contains high levels of antioxidants. One type of omega-3, oleic acid, helps reduce LDL ("bad cholesterol") levels in the blood and helps reduce inflammation that could contribute to atherosclerosis.

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