Monday, February 29, 2016


Happy Monday!

Today's post is a reminder that you don't have to be a grand hero in order to make a difference in your community.  Small change can be just as impactful as it can be more easily implemented in new communities.

This morning I was inspired by this article on the Shelter Buddies Reading Program in Missouri. Through this program, children read to shelter dogs in order to help calm their temperament and hopefully make them more likely to be adopted.  The children benefit from this relationship too, as they are able to practice their reading skills without the pressure of a teacher or parent watching.

So often do we believe that our small changes won't amount to anything, but imagine if everyone made small changes, how much it would compound. True change will come from the efforts of many with various approaches to the same struggles.

"The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."  -- Confucius 

Monday, February 15, 2016


Happy Monday!

Today's post is quite a personal one as these past couple of weeks have been filled with tremendous growth.  I have made several changes in the past month, and although they are each small, they have made all the difference when put together.

Establish a Regular Sleep Schedule. Even on mornings when I start class at 10am instead of 8am, I still wake up at around the same time (within a half hour). On those later mornings, it gives me a chance to enjoy a cup of tea and a leisurely breakfast. I write out my goals for the day and get in some light studying.

Meal Prep Sunday. Throughout the week, I browse Pinterest and my favorite food blogs for simple recipes.  I look for overlapping ingredients so that I'm not left with a fridge of leftovers.  Since I don't like keeping food for more than about 4 days, I cook enough to last me through Thursday.  Packing my meals saves me time during the week and fewer overall dishes to clean.  Some new recipes I've found include a Thai inspired salad, quinoa crusted chicken nuggets, zucchini turkey meatballs, and chicken + vegetable curry.

Get Involved. At first I was worried that I had dug myself a hole by taking on so many leadership positions in graduate school.  However, being involved has allowed me to exercise new skills and take active charge of my education.  These activities allow me to apply what I learn in the classroom to real situations and reminds me why I study for so many hours.

It's All Just a Bootcamp. I have a fear that one day someone or something will poke holes in my facade and reveal that I am really not as intelligent or skilled as I believe I am. That's why I hesitate to answer certain questions in class, or become anxious over the thought of being put on the spot. However, it's part of the learning process.  Graduate school is intimidating and rigorous, but it is supposed to be that way.  This is my metamorphosis, a chance to display my strengths and practice areas of improvement.  Fully allowing myself to be vulnerable rather than fearing being wrong has further expanded my mind to acceptance of growth. Okay, let's talk about tests.  While I look forward to the day when those are no longer a stressor, tests are part of the deal.  They're a necessary step to reaching my end goal.  They're an opportunity to demonstrate what I know but they do not define my intelligence.

Make Time for Yourself. Set aside time each day to do something you enjoy.  For me, some of these activities include exercising, practicing my hand lettering, painting my nails, and baking dessert for others. I know for many graduate students, exercising is the first thing to go.  This school year however, I made the conscious effort to go to the gym despite my schedule.  Once I made it part of my routine, it was easy to stick to. Exercising helps me relieve energy and focus on a different kind of strength.

Find Your Why.  This is really the keystone.  None of the other bricks can hold without this final piece.  Take the time to reflect on your passions and assess whether your current routine is aligned with your goals.  Do your days give you a sense of fulfillment? If not, how come?  What brings you joy? What brings you stress? Write down your goals, all of them, no matter how far fetched they may seem.
Making the changes I described above has allowed me to minimize the possible stressors in my life and open up space for growth.  My days are exhausting but I can't remember the last time I woke up counting down the minutes until I crawled back into bed. I feel like such a cliche, but don't let fear of failure drive your life, but instead be led by your passions.  Have grit when the going gets rough and never lose sight of your why.

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." -Carl Jung