Friday, January 1, 2016


Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in 2016!

A recent vacation to Palm Springs inspired me to start a new series, Food for Thought Friday.  As we were cleaning out our room to check out, I noticed the empty shampoo and conditioner bottles in the bathroom.  I thought about how they, along with thousands of others, would end up in a landfill.  So much plastic packaging goes into the toiletries provided by hotels, yet their use is so short lived.  In Mexico, the hotel I stayed at had refillable shampoo and conditioner dispensers built into the shower wall.  Implementing this model would drastically reduce waste as well as be more cost effective for hotel management.  It may not feel as luxe but really, those shampoo bottles never have enough, especially when multiple people are sharing a room.

Let me know what you think!  How else can we take steps towards more sustainable living?